The ALANA Network is grounded in an understanding of diversity that includes people of all ages, abilities, ethnicities, races, nationalities, sexual orientations, religions or spiritual traditions, and socio-economic classes. ALANA Network programs and services are specifically designed to reach out to, support, and celebrate the students here on campus, as well as educate the entire Assumption College community on diversity issues.
Office Of Multicultural Affairs
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Showing dates:
- Part 1: January 18th - “Savage Legacy”
- Part 2: January 28th"Fatal Impact”
- Part 3: February 11th - "The Colour of Money”.
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. (On each showing date)
Location: Alden Trust Auditorium, Kennedy 112.
Contact: Brenda Safford at brsafford@assumption.edu or 508-767-7100.
February 5, 2010: The Office of Multicultural Affairs presents Mamadou Diop
This will be an irresistible energy of master West African rhythm guitarist and drummer Mamadou Diop, and it is sure to be a night of world-class cultural experience. The sound is a guitar- and drum-led groove that includes the rhythms of high-life, juju, rumba, samba, salsa, and reggae.
Time: 9:00 -11:30 p.m.
Location: Charlie’s
Contact: Brenda Safford at brsafford@assumption.edu or 508-767-7100.
February 16, 2010: President's Lecture Series. Dr. George Yancey
Dr. George Yancy, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University, works primarily in the areas of critical race theory, critical whiteness studies, and philosophy and the Black experience. Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race understands Black embodiment within the context of white hegemony within the context of a racist, anti-Black world. Dr.Yancy demonstrates that the Black body is a historically lived text on which whites have inscribed their projections which speak equally forcefully to whites' own self-conceptualizations.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: La Maison Auditorium
Contact: Brenda Safford at brsafford@assumption.edu or 508-767-7100.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
You are invited to attend any of the presentations you find interesting. We realize that this is a busy time of the semester for everybody, so we will understand if some guests are able to observe only certain presentations. All are welcome to attend as much as they like.
Monday, December 7, 2009 Carriage House
Panel 1: Comparative Cultures in the Era of Enslavement 2:30-3:10
Jeffrey A. Alderson (History, 2010; minor in Political Science)
“The Enlistment for Freedom: African American Responses to Slavery and the Civil War”
Mary Justine Hancock (History, 2010; concentration in Education)
“The North: An Appealing and Positive Society for Women”
Jack Nagle (History and Theology, 2010)
“Scripture and Slavery: The Battle over Biblical Interpretation between the Proslavery South and the Abolitionists”
Jessica Roy (History, 2010; concentration in Education, minor in Psychology)
“African American Experiences in the North and South”
Panel 2: African Americans and Military Service 3:10-3:40
Shawn Murray (History, 2010; minors in Foundations and Political Science)
“African American Service in the American Revolution and the Paradox between Rhetoric and Reality”
Michael Dee (History, 2010; minor in Theology)
“African Americans in the Civil War: Their Roles, Participation, and Impact on the American Civil War”
Nicholas Fusco (History, 2010; concentration in Education)
“African Americans in the Civil War: Well Deserved Freedom”
Panel 3: Biography and the History of Abolition 3:40-4:10
John Mullen (History, 2010)
“Anthony Burns: Resentment and Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law”
Kayla Parker (History, 2010; concentration in Education)
“John Brown: Motivations for Abolition and the Harpers Ferry Raid”
Rich Sierra (History, 2010; concentration in Education)
“Moses and Her Path to Freedom: An Analysis of the Life and Works of Harriet Tubman”
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Carriage House
Panel 4: American Slavery and Social History 2:30-3:10
Samantha Baker (History, 2010; minor in Education)
“Treatment of Unfree Laborers”
Valerie Baker (History, 2010; minors in Education and Human Services)
“Slave Hierarchy within Slave Society and How It Affected Their Lives”
Rebecca Petty (History, 2010; minors in Anthropology, Foundations, and Spanish)
“Slave Families and Identity: Elements of Traditional African Culture within the Slave Family Structure”
Amanda Sheehy (History, 2010; concentration in Education)
“A Comprehensive Review of Women in Slavery throughout the Nineteenth Century”
Panel 5: Images, Texts, and Identity in Societies with Slaves 3:10-3:50
Maegan Cook (History 2010; concentration in Education)
“Visual Images of Slavery and How They Can Lead to Stereotypes”
Lianna DelGreco (History, 2010; minors in Art History and Education)
“Questionable Content: An Analysis of Racial Content Found in Children’s Literature during the Nineteenth Century”
Eric Keenan (History and Art History, 2011; minor in Anthropology)
“Different Shades of Black: Depictions of the African American Identity in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century America”
Tom McGinley (History, 2011)
“Young Minds in Bondage: An Examination of Confederate Educational Print Culture”
Panel 6: American Slavery in the Atlantic World 3:40-4:30
Shawn Guilderson (History, 2010; minor in Political Science)
“American Reactions to the Haitian Revolution: Why the Insurrection Was Important to Slavery and How Toussaint L’ouverture Was an Influential Figure of the Revolutionary Era”
Alyse Moccia (History, 2010; concentration in Education)
“Looking at the Overlooked: Native American Slaves and Their Impact on North America”
Alex Polanik (History, 2010; minors in Education and Graphic Design)
“Slavery and the Supreme Court: The Amistad Case, the Trial, the Verdict, and Its Impact”
Patrick Seaman (History, 2010; minors in Philosophy and Political Science)
“Runaway Slaves: Challenges and Opportunities”
*The Carriage House is located next to the new Admissions building.
For more information contact Prof. Carl Keyes at ckeyes@assumption.edu or (508) 767-7324
Thursday, December 3, 2009
During this past Thanksgiving weekend, CNN aired the second annual "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute," which is scheduled to air again on Christmas Day. Be sure to watch the special during the next airing to learn about the impact the 2009 heroes are making around the world.
Click here to meet all of the 2009 CNN heroes and contribute to their individual causes.
I am proud to be Black, White, Portuguese, Cape Verdean, Arawak Indian, Jamaican and French-Canadian. Although I am not of Irish decent, I have an Irish first name. My skin complexion is light tan, and I have hazel eyes. I am neither dark-skinned-which makes it not as easy to point me out-nor am I completely pale-resembling many of the students here on campus. For these reasons, it is easy for me to blend in on a predominately white campus such as Assumption. I simply fade into the background.
The fact that I am multiracial raises another issue: many people expect me to identify with a specific race. I do not speak Cape Verdean-Creole or Portuguese so it is often difficult to identify with that part of my identity. Yet, if I have white friends or date white men, then I am labeled as acting white or trying to be white. Conversely, if I have black friends or date black men, then I am labeled as acting black or trying to be black. I did not know it was possible to act out who I am. I thought I was just being myself. How am I supposed to choose to identify with only one part of who I am?
My family is extremely diverse and we see people for who they are, not based on their skin color. That is the kind of atmosphere I am accustomed to. This is partly the reason why my transition into college here at Assumption was harder than I expected. Back at home, an hour away in Lynn, Mass., your character, your compassion for others, and your work ethic are what defines you, but here at Assumption many people judge you based on your skin color without getting to know you as a person. This prevents people from building healthy relationships because they are unable to see beyond race and color lines. Lynn is a very diverse city. I would be lying if I said Lynn does not have problems of its own, but it is a completely different environment than Assumption. People are very accepting in Lynn, and unfortunately that is not the case here at Assumption. I have come to realize that before attending college, I was living in a bubble. I expected everywhere I went to be just as diverse as both my family and the city in which I grew up. I realize that in life we will meet people with whom we do not share values and beliefs, but more importantly, we should be willing to learn from such experiences.
Growing up with such a diverse background has given me a strong sense of cultural awareness, as well as sensitivity towards topics of race and race relations. I have learned that it is offensive to be ignorant, and we can only improve cultural understanding through open, honest conversations. A lot of people are skeptical to ask questions regarding race and race relations, but it is better to ask questions and gain accurate knowledge about different cultures than to make incorrect assumptions about people of diverse backgrounds.
I have Black, White, Hispanic and multiracial friends. I do not make friends based on race, so it does not matter to me what they look like or how they talk. I personally love hearing different accents. My best friend is Laotian, and by being around her I was able to experience her culture. I have asked her numerous questions about her culture and have even learned a few words in Lao, the official Laotian language. I am comfortable in my own skin and am perfectly fine with the people I associate with or choose to date. The race of the people with whom I choose to surround myself with should not be an issue to anyone but me. I enjoy people's company because of their personality and not because of their skin color.
In today's society, and here at Assumption, many people are not accepting of cultures different from their own. It could be that some people have old-fashioned parents or ideals, but that does not justify ignorant thoughts or actions. In the ALANA Network, we work to promote diversity. Diversity should bring people together, not separate them. We must embrace different cultures in order to gain a better understanding of others. This way we will learn why people look, act, speak or dress a certain way, and such understanding will ultimately make all people feel comfortable and accepted. I am sure we can all agree that there is no better feeling than to be comfortable in our own skin and be accepted for who we are as human beings.