Around this time last year the official ALANA Network & Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) blog, All In The Mix, was born. Although All In The Mix is still in its infant stages a lot has changed since the blog first started last July.
The idea to create a blog for the ALANA Network was inspired by the countless blogs dedicated to several topics, ranging from music to politics. These blogs, which are free to set up, attract a large number of readers on a daily basis. Readers range from site visitors to dedicated bloggers who occasionally post comments on quite a number of blog posts. Some of these blogs actually boast up to half a million hits (site visits) over the course of the blog’s existence. Although All In The Mix is yet to boast such large numbers of hits, frequent visitors are definitely expected to increase in the near future.
At its initial start All In The Mix did not have a lot of the features it currently boasts. For at least three months all that was featured on the site was a picture of the Director of Multicultural Affairs, Brenda Safford, and an invitation to attend our general meetings every Thursday in the Student Activities Resource Room below Hagan Campus Center.
Since that time last year a lot has changed. Recently, the blog layout has changed and some new features have also been added. The blog now has a message board where site visitors can and are encouraged to leave messages. The site also has links to the Reach Out Center as well as the Office of Multicultural Affairs’ home page on the college’s website. In addition, a new feature, added to the blog only last week, is a slideshow of photos from the ALANA network’s past events. At the moment, the slideshow is displaying photos from the “All in the Mix Fashion Show.”
This academic year will be the first year where All In The Mix will be fully functional with regular blog posts and updates, so be sure to bookmark the site and check back regularly for updates.
Happy Birthday All In The Mix!
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